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Praise from Print Magazine

The Anchorage Daily News wasn't an average newspaper, and it didn't look like one, either. We featured award-winning design, much of which would be cutting edge in print today. The Society of Newspaper Design named us one of the 20-best designed newspapers in the world, and Print Magazine had a multi-page spread on "A Style to Match Alaska.:"

Here are some samples from Print:

ADN's computer-assisted reporting from 1985

In July, 1986 Time Magazine took note of early efforts at computer-assisted reporting undertaken at the Anchorage Daily News by reporter Richard Mauer and contributor Larry Makinson. They used an early database program to trace contributions made to local officials and uncovered "a nest of questionable schemes, including one to funnel 20 seemingly independent contributions to a single state senator in one day."

About Me

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I've been a writer and editor for 40 years. I'm now writing fiction, raising olives in the Sierra Nevada foothills and reflecting.